Autofill Fuel Delivery

Timely Fuel Delivery Icon

With Auto-Fill, FNF Petroleum schedules automatic deliveries based on your fuel usage and weather.

With Auto-Fill, we at FNF Petroleum can schedule automatic deliveries based on your average fuel consumption and weather conditions.

FNF Petroleum fills your tank up with #1 Diesel in the winter to prevent fleet downtime from gelling up. 

bulk fuel storage

With Auto-Fill delivery, we monitor and refill your tanks before you need it.

We will take the responsibility to ensure you never run out of fuel.

Auto-Fill is a delivery option that gives you peace of mind so that you don’t have to worry about whether or not you have enough fuel.

Our priority at FNF Petroleum is customer satisfaction. Providing high-quality fuel is not just our ambitious goal but we consider it our job that we owe to our customers. With us as your business partner in autofill delivery, you will never have to worry about ordering fuel again. Sign up today and we will help you with your autofill needs.

The benefits of autofill fuel delivery

Autofill Fuel Delivery Steps